Monday, April 13, 2009

2 Things You Must Have to Be Able to Make a Woman Climax Easily During Intercourse

There are 2 things that you need to be able to make a woman climax easily and effortlessly during intercourse. If you possess them, you can be the best and most satisfying lover she has ever had because you will not have to resort to your fingers, your tongue, or worse, a sex toy to be able to satisfy her. You will be able to give her the best kind of female orgasm: The kind that results from nothing but intercourse. Here are the two things you MUST have if you want to make her climax easily during intercourse.
Stamina: This is vital. A "five minute man" is going to be hard pressed to be able to make a woman climax through intercourse alone, because the average woman takes at least 15-20 minutes to do so. You have to be able to go the distance every time. There are a couple of easy techniques you can do to be in complete control of your own climax. The first are kegel exercises. Do them throughout the day. Just squeeze your PC muscles as if you were trying to stop your urine flow mid-stream. Do about 50 of these at a time and hold each squeeze for 3 seconds. Also, train your body to withstand stimulation by making sure that each of your masturbation sessions last at least 30 minutes. If you climax too quickly during masturbation, don't think it won't carry over into the bedroom.
Size: Face it, nature is cruel to some men. If you were blessed (or more aptly, cursed) with a smaller-than-average penis, you are not going to be able to make a woman climax as easily through intercourse alone as a well-endowed man. Luckily, there are ways to increase your penis size quickly and permanently. I used natural methods to go from 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. They require nothing but your hands, and there is a myriad of them you can do. Study them using unbiased sources and take action today with the ones that suit you best. You can begin seeing increased size within two weeks!

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